Friday, January 30, 2009

Epic Night On The Mountain

Tuesday was one of the best nights I have had on the hill in sometime. It snowed all day and as soon as we could we booked it from work and headed to Liberty. thanks for driving Tymon! Tymon was strapped in to his new Rome agent, I was on next year's Rome Pusher and Jess had her Burton Troop.

All said we were looking at about 4 inches of snow. For those of you outside of the Mid-Atlantic, this is nothing, for us, this is heaven! We took full advantage of it! Below is a video of Jess heading up on the chair for the first time in several years. After a couple of days on the snow she is really doing well.

Later on that night she made it to the top with one of her friends. I will have to say I am very proud of her, not to mention she has the best goggles on the hill.

Tymon and I took off with some of our friends to go ride as well. Below is a video of Cameron jumping some ropes. While the ski patrol was not totally happy about this, I will have to say that he was totally cool about the situation.

While these days are few and far between, I will never get tired of chasing them. With a storm on the way again this weekend, let's just hope that we get a couple more nights like this in again!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today was a great day! For the first time in a long time I had some early morning riding. I feel as of late I have spent more time riding at night than usual. Today that changed.

We had a perfect blue bird day and the mountain to ourselves, well at least for the first two hours. Then it turned in to a bit of a donkey show. But to be fair, for a weekend, not too bad at all.

I want to give some props to ski liberty They have really stepped up the game this year. Sources have told me that their new snow making system is all linked to a Master computer. This system automatically calculates temperature and then mixes the chemical and water ratio. So what does this mean. Great fast, groomable and plentiful snow. Lots of fun for all of us.

We witnessed this first hand today. There were still some comical moments despite the near perfect conditions. The hats, the hats, the hats...

Ok, maybe on children these might be cute. Of course those children would have to come from the over-zealous nuclear families that seem to line the mountain, I digress. These we worn by adults, are you kidding me? Have you no respect for yourself? I can't imagine that you partner, in any way thinks you look hot in that. Drop the hat and get a life! You don't look cool, you aren't making a fashion statement. You are simply making yourself out to be a fool.

Other funny moments came from me riding a new board, TRS banana. Different edges and much different board, not bad, just different. On one of my falls today, I had a nice lady on skis ask me if I was alright as she wedged past me. I said yes and thanked her for asking. She then responded by saying "I'm glad I am not the only one falling out here!" Then she laughed at me, nice, thanks for the backhanded moment of compassion. I later went screaming past her and hopefully at that point she realized that the ass plant I demonstrated in front of her was not part of my regular riding style. I have a feeling her husband was wearing the zebra hat.

I will have to say that today was one of the best days I have had on the slopes in some time. Thanks to all of you that were out there, and I will see the rest of you out there soon!