A couple of weeks ago my car was hit by a drunk driver. After about 9,000 dollars in damage and a couple of trips to the police station and countless calls to the insurance company it is done. While I will be getting back my car I am not sure it will ever be the same. So in the interim I will be riding and have been riding my bike to work. I have loved every minute of it!
My Specialized Langster Seattle edition has been tearing up the streets. It is a super easy ride into work, less than three miles. What has been challenging is doing things like going to the bank and heading to the store. All of which I am proud to say I have accomplished.
I am sure I will have more as I fall back in love with my bike. For now I am happy to say that I am one of the newest bike commuters in town. It’s kind of nice to show up to work in shorts and a t-shirt.